Now This is Living!
Wexner Heritage Village is dedicated to your well-being.

Purpose Statement
Wexner Heritage Village is founded on and inspired by the timeless wisdom of the Jewish faith. In our practice, and at our core, we believe that all people are created in G-d’s image (B’tzelem Elohim), that we are all endowed with infinite value, and that every person with whom we engage should be treated with dignity and respect.
We honor our traditions as well as those of all faiths.
We believe that acts of human kindness help repair the world (Tikkun Olam) with every word and deed.
We honor our elders and revere them for their strength and wisdom
(Hiddur Zaken).
We foster creativity, self-expression and personal choice, and inspire others to live their fullest and most purposeful lives.
Our mission is to create a vibrant, connected community that brings more life to every moment of senior living. Through integrity, humility, innovation and excellence, we strive to be the most trusted, most loved, most sought-after resource for the senior community.